Cheerleading squads have a lot of traditions and bonding ideas and Douglas Wyoming High has a really special one, they create boxes!
This has been in place for the last six years, but the idea is that the returning squad members show the rookies how to make the boxes and as a team they work on them together. This box is used for keeping all their belongings such as pom-poms, warm up, etc. they keep the girls right in the game and prepared for anything!
The squad is made up of Freshman 3, Sophomore 5, Juniors 3,and Seniors 8. The squad’s coach Margo Shatto has been coaching for twelve years and they have some great achievements such as Girl Stunts: 4 first places, 3 second places, and 2 third places; No stunts in the girls category: they place second or third; and when there is coed stunting: they have 1 of all three places!
This year’s squad is a little smaller and is closer than ever! The big goal for the squad is to be the best squad they can be and get more involved with the community!
Written by Paige K.